Decreased Escalation Time

A large inbound contact center

ForeSight Voice Mining
Enhanced Customer Experience

Enhanced Customer Experience

66%Decreased Escalation Rate

Challenge Agents often couldn’t handle calls themselves due to lack of knowledge. They had to put customers on hold while consulting supervisors.

Goals Enhance the CX by reducing the escalation rate. Retain and improve customer loyalty by developing reliable one-stop agents.

Results The company used ForeSight to support agents by providing relevant knowledge and talk script in real time. As a result, the escalation rate decreased from 15.3% to 5.2%.

Agent and Supervisor Real-time Support

Agent and Supervisor Real-time Support

ForeSight helps agents shorten AHT and increase first call resolution (FCR) in a variety of ways, including:

  • Real-time knowledge recommendations.
  • Real-time call flow guides.
  • Auto-generated URL to a call view page for faster after call work (ACW).